Volunteer Appreciation Week Spotlight: Lou D'Alessandro


April 19-25 is National Volunteer Week, and there is no better time to pause and recognize the selfless contributions of our extraordinary JA Volunteers who inspire and motivate us every day.

Throughout the week, we’ll be featuring JA Volunteers who go above and beyond to connect students with the learning experiences they need for an inspired and successful future.

Read JA Volunteer Lou D'Alessandro’s Q&A with JA below!

Lou D'Alessandro

Lou D'Alessandro

JA: How have you volunteered with JA and what compelled you to do so?

Lou: I volunteered from the expo table in 2019, and have done it before in the 1980s.

JA: What is the biggest personal benefit you receive as a JA volunteer?

Lou: At my age and experience, it is incumbent on me to share and enlighten our youth on what to expect as they age into adulthood.

JA: What is your favorite JA memory?

Lou: When I invited my JA class to visit my employment at the AT&T headquarters in 1980 and to join in a conference with AT&T executives. You will note that the early JA involved actual on-site involvement and plant visits for the students. (Photos below).

Lou and his JA class visit the AT&T headquarters

Lou and his JA class visit the AT&T headquarters

Lou and his JA class attend a conference with AT&T executives

Lou and his JA class attend a conference with AT&T executives

AT&T and JA job shadow meeting agenda from 1980 (click to view)

AT&T and JA job shadow meeting agenda from 1980 (click to view)

JA: What do you wish more people knew about JA or what would you tell someone that is thinking about volunteering with JA?

Lou: It a great way to contribute to mankind by preparing for the future.

JA: What advice would you give to the next generation?

Lou: Get as much advanced education as possible

Interested in hearing more inspiring stories from our JA Volunteers? Check out more spotlights below.

To learn how you can get involved with or support JA, send us an inquiry.