Happy Volunteer Appreciation Week!
April 19-25 is National Volunteer Week, and there is no better time to pause and recognize the selfless contributions of our extraordinary JA Volunteers who inspire and motivate us every day.
Throughout the week, we’ll be featuring JA Volunteers who go above and beyond to connect students with the learning experiences they need for an inspired and successful future.
Read JA Volunteer Betsy Piper-Bach’s Q&A with JA below!
Betsy Piper-Bach, Senior Vice President, Retirement Services, National Automobile Dealers Association
JA: How have you volunteered with JA and what compelled you to do so?
Betsy: Many years ago I was a fundraiser for JA in Minneapolis, MN as part of the investment training program. As part of teaching investment adviser trainees how to reach out to individuals on the phone, we chose JA as the organization for whom we chose to raise money due to its focus on economics and business skills.
I organized the National Automobile Dealers Association’s project with the women dealers throughout the country as well as NADA women staff to volunteer in their cities and schools to teach JA in classrooms or to volunteer for JA Finance Park where available. Again, because of the focus on economics and business skills development of school age children. In order to purchase an automobile you need to have saved for the down payment and understand financing.
I have volunteered to teach the JA program in the classrooms of my grandchildren for three years. Unfortunately, this, the 4th year, has been cancelled due to the shortening of the school year. I was a teacher very early on and really enjoy being back in the classroom.
Lastly, I have introduced the program to ASAE’s Finance Council as a way for them to give back to the community. They were in the midst of setting dates for JA Finance Park when offices and schools closed.
JA: What is the biggest personal benefit you receive as a JA volunteer?
Betsy: From the organizational level it is so rewarding to see how quickly colleagues and association members see the value of the JA program with its focus on business and economics and, although they struggle with the time commitment as all have full time jobs already, seeing them try to find time to volunteer.
From my own classroom volunteering, the rewards are: 1) seeing the enjoyment the students have as they work together on the projects 2) seeing their excitement when they come up with the right answers and lastly 3) the 100% buy-in of the teachers as they watch the excitement erupt in the classrooms and realize that what I am doing is reinforcing skills they had introduced in the classroom that year.
JA: What is your favorite JA memory?
Betsy: During one of the exercises, various students were required to pay taxes to the tax collector. One of the students did not do so, but the tax collector was unaware of the missing taxes. I loved it when the students started whispering among themselves followed by the “community” turning in the tax evader!
JA: What do you wish more people knew about JA or what would you tell someone that is thinking about volunteering with JA?
Betsy: JA is the application of skills previously learned in the classroom and now applied to the daily lives of the students. It is such an awesome experience when their eyes light up as they connect the dots between school and their communities.
JA: What advice would you give to the next generation?
Betsy: Each generation is different, but ultimately, we are all the same. Work and learn to make this a better world for us all…in your own way.
Interested in hearing more inspiring stories from our JA Volunteers? Check out more spotlights below.
To learn how you can get involved with or support JA, send us an inquiry.