JA of Greater Washington announces formation of first annual Bowl-a-Thon regional competitions

Today, Junior Achievement of Greater Washington announced that this Bowl season, every company, every team, and every individual will be competing against other companies in the District, Maryland, and Virginia for bragging rights and prizes as part of the first annual Junior Achievement® Bowl-a-Thon Regional Competitions. Currently, the 2016 Junior Achievement® Bowl-a-Thon season is shaping up to be the best in history. And now, JA® has decided to raise the stakes.

There are seven different awards that companies and individuals may qualify for. The awards and descriptions are as follows:


Big Green Award
Awarded to the company with the highest total fundraising and sponsorship dollars across the entire Bowl-a-Thon season. Winning company will receive a trophy that must be defended or turned over to the new winner each year.

Hear Us Roar Award
Awarded to the company whose competitors hit the pavement running and brought in the highest total fundraising amount. Winning company will receive a trophy that must be defended or turned over to the new winner each year.

Growth Spurt Award
Awarded to the company with the largest percentage increase in dollars raised from last season. Winning company will receive a trophy that must be defended or turned over to the new winner each year.

Strongest Link Award
Awarded to the company with the highest total average dollars raised per participant.  Excludes individuals/teams whose fundraising was collected through external sponsorships with contractors/clients.

New Kid on the Block Award
Awarded to the top-raising company who is new to the Bowl-a-Thon or is returning after 3+ years. Winning company will receive a trophy that will turn over to the new company with the highest raising total the following year.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work Award
Awarded to the team across all Bowl-a-Thon companies with the highest fundraising total. Each member of the winning team will receive a Kindle Fire! Excludes individuals/teams whose fundraising was collected through external sponsorships with contractors/clients; based on a 6 person (max) team.

Money Egg.png

Boss Award
Awarded to the individual across all companies and bowlers with the highest amount of dollars raised. Winner will receive a Chef's Tasting Menu for 2 with a Sommelier recommended bottle of wine at Jaleo in Bethesda, Maryland. Excludes individuals/teams whose fundraising was collected through external sponsorships with contractors/clients.

Current standings will be updated here on a bi-weekly basis so that competitors can see if they or their company is in the top three of each category. June 30, 2016 marks the end of the 2015-2016 fundraising season. Bowlers are able to make fundraising contributions until this date regardless of when their company's bowl occurred. Any questions can be directed to Lauren Michell, Development and Events Manager.

Rules & Regulations

  • Current standings will be updated on a bi-weekly basis.
  • Each competition category will individually outline any restrictions for participation within that specific category
  • Winners will be chosen from our Bowl-a-Thon events that take place from July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016
  • Final winners will not be announced until after June 30, 2016 which marks the end of the Bowl-a-Thon season.  All winning companies, individuals, and teams will be notified directly.