On Wednesday, July 25, 2018, team "Piggybox," composed of young entrepreneurs from across the region, won first place in the 3rd annual JA Entrepreneurship Summit Pitch Competition.
Learn about the 2018 Laureates: Dr. Sachiko Kuno
Prince George's Suite: Where The Rubber Meets the Road
JA of Greater Washington receives grant from Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Junior Achievement of Greater Washington has been awarded a grant in the amount of $15,000 as part of the Bank of America Charitable Foundation’s focus on Economic Mobility for Individuals & Families.
Washington Business Hall of Fame 2018 Laureates Announced
SURVEY: 4 out of 5 millennials can't answer basic financial questions
#JAHero Spotlight: Hall of Fame, Advisory Council Chair Advocates for Financial Responsibility
Research Reveals Boys' Interest in STEM Careers Declining; Girls' Interest Unchanged
Washington Redskins Rookies Return to JA Finance Park for Third Year
JA of Greater Washington Announces Winners of 2017 Junior Achievement Essay Competition Sponsored by Mr. David Rubenstein
Today, Junior Achievement of Greater Washington announced the winners of the 2017 Junior Achievement Essay Competition. This year's competition was intense, as over 1,100 qualified answered this year's question: "Several great entrepreneurs, including Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, dropped out of college before getting their degrees. How important do you think a college education is to your future success?"