Sarah burnett

Vice President of program operations

Junior Achievement of Greater Washington


Sarah Burnett is a nonprofit professional with a background in business administration and is passionate about doing good well.  Sarah joined the team at Junior Achievement of Greater Washington (JA) as Vice President of Program Operations in January 2019 after previously serving as Director, Corporate Engagement Programs at Leadership Montgomery and Executive Director Corporate Volunteer Council of Montgomery County (CVC).

In her role, Sarah oversees JA’s educational program operations ensuring successful partnerships among JA’s internal and external stakeholders and operational effectiveness and efficiency across JA programs.

Sarah is a life-long resident of the D.C. region currently living in Chevy Chase, MD. Her education includes (JA Partner) Montgomery County Public Schools, (JA Partner) Montgomery College, and University of Maryland University College. She is also a certified Positive Psychology Practitioner.

Sarah serves on the Board of Directors of the Small Press Expo, the largest convening of small and independent publishers of comic art in the nation, held each year in Bethesda, MD. She also serves on committees with the Montgomery Coalition for Adult English Literacy, YMCA Youth and Family Services, and River Road Unitarian Universalist Congregation.

Sarah’s personal hobbies include hand-lettering, collecting vintage tableware, reading graphic memoirs, and researching her family history and genealogy.