ja company program volunteer opportunities
Be a Volunteer Mentor
Mentor Spotlight
Gabe Cohen, a JA Company Program Alumnus and Senior Analyst at Accenture, has served as a volunteer mentor for the JA Company Program since 2018.
JA student companies rely on the guidance of committed volunteer mentors from the business community who dedicate hours of their time and expertise to counsel, encourage and create meaningful relationships with each student.
As a mentor, you will guide the students through each aspect of starting a business including selecting the product or service, electing company leadership, manufacturing their product, maintaining strict financial records, creating a marketing plan, and selling their product or service.
JA staff provides curriculum materials, training, logistical support and guidance to our volunteer partners throughout the entire experience.
Mentors will also:
Serve as a role model and mentor to the students throughout the program
Lead educational workshops and debrief sessions using curriculum provided by JA
Communicate with students outside of meetings to ensure attendance, follow-up on assignments, and provide support as necessary
Raise questions to encourage discussion and offer advice
Serve as a Host Site
What does serving as a Host Site entail?
Hosting a group of 10-20 students from October - April as mapped out by JA
Recruiting 1-2 members of your company to serve as Lead Mentors
Recruiting an additional 3-4 members of your company to serve as supporting mentors
Ensuring a minimum of 2 mentors are present at each weekly meeting (ideally 5 with at least one being a lead consultant)
Providing a designated room for 10-20 students to meet comfortably (in-person sites only) that includes:
Internet Access
A Projector
Benefits of serving as a host site:
Companies have the opportunity to showcase their business to some of our community’s emerging leaders.
Professional development for employees
Company recognition for volunteer commitment in JA’s Annual Report and social media channels