Relevant. Experiential. Empowering.
The experience of making real-life financial decisions in a risk-free environment lays the foundation for how students approach their financial responsibilities in the future and navigate success and challenges in the dynamic global economy.
Following the JA Finance Park experience:
of Educators reported that participation in JA Finance Park has had a positive impact on their teaching and curriculum delivery in the classroom.
of students said their JA Volunteer helped them connect the JA Finance Park simulation with real life.
of Volunteers agreed that after participation in JA Finance Park students demonstrated an improved understanding of the connection between budgeting and financial goals.
of JA Finance Park students found the simulations useful in their lives.
Educator Testimonies
Student Testimonies
"My experience was not only informative; it was also intriguing, fun, and realistic.
I was exposed to many things that i will need to know in order to live a successful budgeting, banking, online banking, the various fields of careers, prioritizing, and a lot of other useful information. It gave me a new level of respect for what adults like my parents have to do. As a matter of fact, as soon as I got home I thanked both of them for doing all of these things for me and the rest of my family. The program gives you the benefit of understanding what it is you need to do in order to reach the goals you've set for yourself."
-Collin Bast
Benjamin Tasker M.S. Student
"[The JA Finance Park] experience definitely made me thankful and realize that being an adult is a lot of responsibility. With my mom being a chaperone, I was able to give her a big hug and made sure I told her thank you. Overall, this experience was definitely one I won’t forget and it gave me a tiny glance into the future. I’ve learned that children really are expensive and that we have the power to control the outcome of our life and not live like our fake scenarios."