Arrival Instructions: JA Finance Park® fairfax county
JA Finance Park® Fairfax County is located at 4099 Picket Road, Fairfax, VA 22032. Our facility is located behind Frost Middle School. As school will be in session at Frost, please park as close to JA Finance Park® as possible. Please note: Some GPS devices will incorrectly direct you to Whitacre Road. From Whitacre, you will need to head back to Route 236, turn right and right again at Pickett Road. The turn for JA Finance Park® is 1/4 mile down Pickett.
A valid government-issue ID will be required upon arrival.
NOTE: Frost Middle School is currently under construction. We recommend you account for extra arrival time. If parking is not available in the lot adjacent to JA Finance Park, guests and visitors should park on Pickett Road.